Historian Confirms That There Were No Chevy Silverados During the 1500s

Research about the Chevy Silverado 1500 is shown.

For many drivers, workers, and tradesmen, the Chevy Silverado 1500 is the most reliable workhorse on the road. While many discuss the vehicle’s positive attributes, such as its various powertrains, towing capability, and ability to go the extra mile for consumers, one topic is conspicuously absent from many instances of discourse. We’re, of course, referring to the identifying number 1500. Aficionados of the “bow-tie” brand commonly associate the number with the vehicle’s identification as a half-ton or “light-duty” truck. While this has been the purveying truth ever since the vehicle began rolling off the assembly lines, one individual has taken exception to this classification. So much so that it was named as a point of contention during a lecture at Harvard University.

Wade Illiad, a Ph.D. who’s written many books on the middle ages and medieval Europe in particular, has taken Chevrolet, GM, and the entire automotive industry to task regarding the nameplate associated with America’s favorite pickup. Last Thursday, during a lecture on the “practices and significant events of 16th century Europe,” Iliad was quite vocal about the misleading content exhibited by Chevy. The following are excerpts from the lecture made public via Harvard’s Youtube channel.

“The 1500s were unquestionably one of the most significant periods in medieval history. It was an era where art flourished, and the age of empires truly began. It was a century that bore witness to Leonardo Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa and the Spanish continuing to establish a foothold in South America with the conquest of the Inca empire at the hands of conquistador Francisco Pizarro.” The lecture was dotted with several talking points where Illiad, one of the leading experts in the field, highlighted the triumphs and tragedies of civilization and then illustrated how they apply to the modern world that so many of us inhabit. It was here where the revered educator decided to address what he described as the “elephant in the room.”

“As some of you may remember from last month’s lecture on the major changes that occurred in the various major religions at the time, I mentioned the beginning of the protestant reformation. As you recall, Martin Luther, a German theologian, nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of a catholic church which would bring about the protestant reformation in 1517.” From this point forward, Iliad used this subject as a jumping-off point in the lecture to rail against the dishonesty of Chevy and GM.

“And, much like the discontent felt by Luther, I, too, believe that certain practitioners of heretical acts should be held accountable. While manufacturers such as GM and Chevy are not selling indulgences, they are selling a product with a misleading name. Of course, I speak to the inaccurate terminology associated with the Chevy Silverado 1500.” Several students in the classroom looked perplexed as Iliad continued with his lecture.

“The 1500s, or the 16th century as I’ve noted, was a time of hope and enlightenment. A time when great changes in human progress were accomplished, and humankind emerged from the dark ages with a newfound optimism. Chevy referring to a pickup as the ‘1500’ insinuates that it was a product of the renaissance, even though the internal combustion engine and refinement of fossil fuels were centuries away. We’ve uncovered hundreds of sketches from Leonardo de Vinci of his conceptual flying machines and hang gliders. Not once have we uncovered anything remotely resembling a pickup truck.”

GM and Illiad were both unavailable for comment, but one of Illiad’s students was willing to share his views about the recent lecture. “I think the professor needs to relax. He’s never been the same since his Yugo got repossessed a few months ago.”

We’ll be sure to keep you updated as this story develops.


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