Manufacturers Begin Work on Car That Can Work From Home

A man is standing behind a white car with his boxes of cleaning supplies.

With everything going on and the world basically falling apart, the need for cars has been cut down pretty slim. Employers are sending their employees to work from home, and people are social distancing (successfully? Maybe not). However, car manufacturers are ahead of the game, almost like they must have seen it coming. Toyota, Ford, and Honda have all been spotted with plans of their new Work From Home car.

We don’t know much about the details of this new stationary car, but we do know that it will be great on gas mileage. If you’re looking for a reason to go outside, sit in your car, and go back inside before sitting at your desk in your pajamas, this is the car for you.

There’s nothing better than having a place to blow off some steam. Working from home can be exhausting and terrible, especially when your co-workers won’t clean up the kitchen after they’re done eating for the seventh time that day.

The Work From Home car is a great place to slam your hands against the steering wheel, play loud music, and generally avoid doing work for a few hours. Sometimes, you just need to get out of your makeshift bedroom/office and enjoy the outside world. Unfortunately, with isolation, things simply aren’t that simple.

Everything You Need to Know

We get it, new cars these days are all about the features. So, what exactly is so great about this new car, and why should you switch in your regular old car for the new and improved stationary vehicle?

The Work From Home car comes with more cupholders than you’ll probably ever need, a docking station for your work laptop, and a built-in bar cart for when your boss won’t get off your back. It’s also equipped with full surround sound and all the streaming services you could ever need.

Gloved hands are in front of multiple center consoles.

Pour yourself a drink, put on that episode of The Office you’ve already seen seven hundred times, and avoid getting your work done in the all-new Work From Home car. It also comes with tinted windows, so no one will ever know that you’ve been sitting in your car for three hours.

How to Get the New Work From Home Car

It may seem impossible and out of reach to get your hands on shiny new cars. This barely functioning vehicle can be sent to your house in 2-3 business days after a short test drive at one of their many dealerships. Simply come in, sit in the stationary of your choosing, and make your decision. They aren’t going anywhere!

If you’re interested in upgrading your current vehicle, you know, the one that used to bring you to work, bring it with you when you drop by the dealership. Work From Home cars are the future, and these manufacturers are happy to bring you the newest technology in the car industry.

A woman is leaning towards a car while dressed in gear to prevent Coronavirus, which is an issue in live auto news.

Get your car today, and show off its cool style while sitting in your driveway, because literally, it won’t go anywhere else.


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